‘Searching for the right delivery for you…’, says AI

Couriers greet each other (if they greet) by saying, ‘are there any calls?’, especially at the edges of peak times and during low seasons when the supply of couriers is excessive. Waiting for a call, combined with information asymmetry, materialises as coerced immobility or aimless roaming. The Baemin Connect app only displays the message ‘Searching……

‘I don’t want to walk for free anymore’, says Eunyoung

The rise of mobility platforms contributes to encouraging and commodifying movements of citizens. In line with many smart city apps anticipate their users to be mobile bodies, viewing them normatively and financially valuable (Rose et al., 2020). A colleague of Minwoo who commuted by tube would take off a couple stops before where many pubs were located.……

Platform work pays fairly, says K-Meritocracy

Among Baemin couriers, there exists a belief that food delivery work rewards fairly—despite the obscure algorithms—compared to other types of work. As an online business owner, Minsu’s income depends on unpredictable demand from customers. Delivering with Baemin at least lets him earn money as much as he ‘burns his time [as in burning wood guarantees heat’. He added,……